Thursday, June 9, 2022

Ajax Request In Rails

When returning a JSON response, ship down the attributes of the model which have been changed by the server, and must be up to date on the client. When responding to a "read" request from a group (Collection#fetch), send down an array of model attribute objects. Fetch the default set of models for this collection from the server, setting them on the collection when they arrive. The choices hash takes success and error callbacks which will each be passed as arguments. When the model information returns from the server, it makes use of setto merge the fetched models, except you cross , during which case the collection shall be reset. Delegates to Backbone.syncunder the covers for custom persistence strategies and returns a jqXHR. The server handler for fetch requests should return a JSON array of models. Convenience to create a model new instance of a model inside a set. Equivalent to instantiating a mannequin with a hash of attributes, saving the model to the server, and including the mannequin to the set after being efficiently created. If client-side validation failed, the mannequin will be unsaved, with validation errors. In order for this to work, you should set the model property of the collection. The create method can settle for both an attributes hash and choices to be passed down during mannequin instantiation or an current, unsaved model object. Add a model to the gathering, firing an "add"occasion for each model, and an "update" event afterwards. If a model property is outlined, you would possibly also pass uncooked attributes objects and options, and have them be vivified as instances of the model utilizing the provided options. Pass to splice the mannequin into the collection at the specified index. Parse is recognized as by Backbone each time a collection's models are returned by the server, in fetch. The operate is handed the uncooked response object, and may return the array of mannequin attributes to be addedto the collection. The default implementation is a no-op, merely passing via the JSON response.

Ajax request in rails - When returning a JSON response

Override this if you want to work with a preexisting API, or better namespace your responses. By default save checks validate earlier than setting any attributes however you might additionally inform set to validate the new attributes by passing as an option. With Backbone, you represent your data as Models, which can be created, validated, destroyed, and saved to the server. All "add" and "take away" occasions are now despatched through the mannequin, so that views can pay attention for them without having to know in regards to the collection. ToJSON is not referred to as in any respect for 'read' and 'delete' requests. Backbone routes are now in a place to load empty URL fragments. New Rdio was developed from the bottom up with a component based mostly framework based mostly on Backbone.js. All of this depends on Backbone's views and models, and all URL routing is handled by Backbone's Router. When knowledge modifications are signaled in realtime, Backbone's Events notify the involved components in the knowledge adjustments. Backbone forms the core of the new, dynamic, realtime Rdio net and desktop applications. Destroys the mannequin on the server by delegating an HTTP DELETErequest to Backbone.sync. Accepts success and error callbacks in the choices hash, which will be passed . Pass if you'll like to wait for the server to reply before eradicating the mannequin from the gathering. Merges the mannequin's state with attributes fetched from the server by delegating to Backbone.sync. Useful if the model has never been populated with data, or if you'd like to ensure that you've the latest server state. Triggers a "change" event if the server's state differs from the present attributes. Fetch accepts success and error callbacks within the choices hash, which are both passed as arguments. We'll add the JavaScript for the pagination into a model new JavaScript file referred to as pagination.js that can reside in the identical directory as our different JavaScript recordsdata.

Ajax request in rails - Override this if you needwant toyou shouldyou have to work with a preexisting API

The first thing we'll wish to add to the file is some onclick occasions for the pagination links on the page. However, we don't want to add the occasions until the page's Document Object Model has loaded. We can the browser execute a function when the DOM has loaded by calling the $ perform, passing it the operate as an argument. To test that our code is about up correctly we'll begin by displaying an alert when the DOM loads. Routes map enter urls to controller actions, so on this case one route is added for every motion in the controller. Below, the HTTP POST method is used to prevent showing params in the information in the URL. Using the POST methodology is important as AJAX requests usually require passing information as params to the server in order that the server can determine what motion it ought to take and/or response it ought to give. Those params make using the POST method preferable to the GET method. Walmart used Backbone.js to create the new model of their cellular web software and created two new frameworks within the course of. Thorax supplies mixins, inheritable events, in addition to model and collection view bindings that combine immediately with Handlebars templates.

Ajax request in rails - The first thingvery first thing well want toneed towish to add to the file is someis a few onclick eventsoccasions for the pagination linkshyperlinks on the pageweb page

Uses jQuery's on perform to offer declarative callbacks for DOM occasions within a view. If an events hash isn't passed immediately, makes use of this.eventsas the supply. The callback may be either the name of a way on the view, or a direct operate physique. Omitting the selector causes the event to be certain to the view's root element (this.el). Adding and removing models one by one is all properly and good, but generally you could have so many models to vary that you'd somewhat simply replace the collection in bulk. Use reset to switch a collection with a new listing of models , triggering a single "reset" occasion on completion, and with out triggering any add or take away occasions on any fashions. For comfort, within a "reset" event, the record of any earlier fashions is available as options.previousModels. Parse known as every time a mannequin's information is returned by the server, in fetch, and save. The function is handed the uncooked response object, and may return the attributes hash to be set on the model. Handle errors and successful mannequin creations with Javascript in your corresponding app/views/your_model/create.js.erb file. This implies that you proceed to have entry helpful Rails structure and rendering strategies, similar to Partials. Backbone.js now supports Zepto, alongside jQuery, as a framework for DOM manipulation and Ajax support. Implemented Model#escape, to efficiently deal with attributes supposed for HTML interpolation. When making an attempt to persist a mannequin, failed requests will now trigger an "error" event.

Ajax request in rails - Uses jQuery

The ubiquitous options argument is now handed as the final argument to all "change" occasions. Cristi Balan and Irina Dumitrascu created Tzigla, a collaborative drawing utility the place artists make tiles that connect to each other to create surreal drawings. Backbone models help organize the code, routers provide bookmarkable deep hyperlinks, and the views are rendered with haml.js and Zepto. Tzigla is written in Ruby on the backend, and CoffeeScript on the frontend, with Jammitprepackaging the static assets. Bitbucket is a free supply code internet hosting service for Git and Mercurial. Through its fashions and collections, Backbone.js has proved valuable in supporting Bitbucket's REST API, in addition to newer components similar to in-line code feedback and approvals for pull requests. Mustache templates present server and client-side rendering, while a custom Google Closureinspired life-cycle for widgets permits Bitbucket to brighten existing DOM trees and insert new ones. When all of your Routers have been created, and the entire routes are set up correctly, name Backbone.historical past.start()to start monitoring hashchange occasions, and dispatching routes. Subsequent calls to Backbone.history.start() will throw an error, and Backbone.History.began is a boolean worth indicating whether or not it has already been called. Save a model to your database , by delegating to Backbone.sync. Returns a jqXHR if validation is successful and false otherwise. The attributeshash ought to contain the attributes you need to change — keys that aren't mentioned will not be altered — however, a complete illustration of the resource will be despatched to the server. As with set, you might pass individual keys and values as a substitute of a hash. If the model has a validatemethod, and validation fails, the mannequin won't be saved. If the mannequin isNew, the save might be a "create", if the model already exists on the server, the save shall be an "replace" .

Ajax request in rails - The ubiquitous optionschoices argument is now passedhanded as the finalthe ultimate argument to all

The first is app/views/demo/show_options, which reveals the obtain choices. It locates the object with the ID of download_options and changes its inside HTML to be the outcomes of the render. Note that the tactic j is similar as escape_javascript, which helps make positive that the JavaScript interpreter works properly after the render. Then we have the app/views/_downloads_list.html.erb partial. For this partial, a listing of hyperlinks to file downloads are supplied with a button to cover the obtain options. If the Ajax request is successful, the controller responds with this file, which can re-render the todos partial. This is why I needed to have the before_action in the controller load all of my todos from the database. The j methodology is an alias for escape_javascript, which performs 2 essential capabilities when responding with JavaScript. If your software isRESTful, some hyperlinks are actually actions that change knowledge on the server, and must be performed with non-GET requests. This attribute allows marking up such hyperlinks with an explicit technique corresponding to "post", "put", or "delete". Now that you have got the ability to dynamically update the content of your web site with one code base, the possibilities are endless. You can defer labor-intensive calculations to be displayed on a webpage after the web page has already loaded, corresponding to calculating unread messages or connection requests. If you've the server query the database to rely all the records before sending the web page, it'll decelerate page load time and create a nasty person experience. Backbone now has Controllers and History, for doing client-side routing based mostly on URL fragments. Added emulateHTTP to offer help for legacy servers that don't do PUT and DELETE. Added emulateJSON for servers that may't settle for application/jsonencoded requests.

Ajax request in rails

Added Model#clear, which removes all attributes from a model. All Backbone courses may now be seamlessly inherited by CoffeeScript lessons. A View's events property could now be outlined as a perform, in addition to an object literal, making it simpler to programmatically define and inherit events. GroupBy is now proxied from Underscore as a way on Collections. If the server has already rendered everything on web page load, cross Backbone.history.start() to stop the initial route from triggering. Gilt Groupe makes use of Backbone.js to construct a number of functions across their family of websites. Gilt's search functionality also uses Backbone to filter and kind products efficiently by transferring these actions to the client-side. Backbone views are nearly more conference than they're code — they don't decide something about your HTML or CSS for you, and can be used with any JavaScript templating library. The common idea is to prepare your interface into logical views, backed by fashions, each of which may be updated independently when the mannequin changes, with out having to redraw the page. Each model can be a Model occasion, an id string or a JS object, any worth acceptable because the id argument of assortment.get. Fires a "take away" occasion for each mannequin, and a single "replace" event afterwards, until is passed.

Ajax request in rails - Added Modelclear

The model's index before elimination is on the market to listeners as choices.index. Retrieve a hash of solely the mannequin's attributes which have modified since the last set, or false if there are none. Optionally, an external attributes hash may be passed in, returning the attributes in that hash which differ from the model. This can be utilized to determine out which parts of a view must be up to date, or what calls have to be made to sync the changes to the server. Save accepts success and error callbacks within the choices hash, which shall be passed the arguments . If a server-side validation fails, return a non-200HTTP response code, along with an error response in text or JSON. It typically renders the data from a selected mannequin, or number of fashions — but views may additionally be data-less chunks of UI that stand alone. Instead, views hearken to the mannequin "change" events, and react or re-render themselves appropriately. A Model manages an internal desk of data attributes, and triggers "change" occasions when any of its data is modified. Models deal with syncing knowledge with a persistence layer — usually a REST API with a backing database. Design your models because the atomic reusable objects containing all of the useful functions for manipulating their explicit bit of data. Models should be capable of be passed round throughout your app, and used anywhere that bit of knowledge is required.

Ajax request in rails - The modelmannequin

There is a lot more to dig into for this library, but we lined the main idea behind the four main options of it. We usually use this to return JS responses, however we found we will additionally use it for JSON and XML/HTML objects, writing solely the code to handle this object and not the entire request course of. Next is the app/views/_download_options.html.erb partial to complete the preliminary view. This is just a button inside a div with an ID to make the JavaScript easier. For more complex techniques, it would be better to add the button to its own div and have this div tag initially clean. However, within the demo the two are mutually unique as the button is never proven simultaneously the options list. This makes it less complicated to exchange the button with the options and vice versa. Yeah, AJAX requests do not work like a standard form submit. Redirects will not be followed by the browser like a traditional web page view, since you didn't make a traditional request. You can redirect shopper facet in the success callback if you'd like, or have the server do it in a create.js.erb response. Jquery_ujs takes care of including the CSRF token and jquery converts the info to application/x--urlencoded content material sort automatically. I typically get the Accept header and Content-type Header that a shopper sends to the server confused in HTTP. The server sends again a response, which includes the Content-Type header notifying the consumer of the particular Content Type of the content.

Ajax request in rails - There is a lot moremuch more to dig into for this library

ZocDoc helps sufferers find native, in-network docs and dentists, see their real-time availability, and immediately e-book appointments. On the public facet, the webapp makes use of Backbone.js to handle client-side state and rendering in search pagesand doctor profiles. In addition, the new version of the doctor-facing a part of the net site is a large single-page utility that benefits from Backbone's structure and modularity. ZocDoc's Backbone courses are examined with Jasmine, and delivered to the tip user with Cassette. Quartz sees itself as a digitally native information outlet for the model new global financial system. Backbone is agnostic as as to if you employ Underscore templates, Mustache.js, direct DOM manipulation, server-side rendered snippets of HTML, or jQuery UI in your render perform. Sometimes you will have a view that renders hundreds of models without delay, in a decent loop. Both can be appropriate in the same app, depending on the amount of data concerned, and the complexity of the UI. If you wish to work with a legacy net server that does not help Backbone's default REST/HTTP approach, you may choose to activate Backbone.emulateHTTP. Setting this option will pretend PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests with a HTTP POST, setting the X-HTTP-Method-Override header with the true technique. If emulateJSON is also on, the true methodology shall be passed as an additional _method parameter. Web functions usually present linkable, bookmarkable, shareable URLs for essential places within the app. Until just lately, hash fragments (#page) were used to supply these permalinks, but with the arrival of the History API, it is now possible to make use of normal URLs (/page). Backbone.Router provides methods for routing client-side pages, and connecting them to actions and events. For browsers which do not yet assist the History API, the Router handles graceful fallback and transparent translation to the fragment model of the URL. Override this property to specify the mannequin class that the gathering incorporates. If defined, you'll find a way to pass raw attributes objects and choices to add, create, and reset, and the attributes might be converted right into a model of the right kind using the supplied choices, if any.

Ajax request in rails - ZocDoc helps patientssufferers finddiscover localnative

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Is Urdu A Good Language To Learn

Hindi is the official language of the Republic of India (projected to overtake China as the world's most populous nation by 2030) and the most widely spoken language in South Asia. It is also the language of a long literary tradition, both in modern prose and poetry, as well as pre-modern secular and devotional poetry. It is also a tremendously important language strategically in South Asia.In their basic form Hindi and Urdu are generally considered to be the same language written in two different scripts. After one year of instruction, you could go to India or Pakistan and talk about yourself, where you were born, where you grew up, what you do, your interests and your attraction to South Asia and South Asian languages.

is urdu a good language to learn - Hindi is the official language of the Republic of India projected to overtake China as the worlds most populous nation by 2030 and the most widely spoken language in South Asia

Each lesson builds on previous lessons in a systematic way to allow the absorption of vocabulary words in an organic manner, while reinforcing grammatical structures. The text is accompanied by a CD as well, and a supplementary text introduces Urdu script quickly and painlessly. Films are also shown occasionally in class to reinforce the structures and idiomatic expressions that are being taught. It is also very closely related to the scripts employed to write Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, and Oriya among others. Hindi and Urdu are generally considered to be one spoken language with two different literary traditions. That means that Hindi and Urdu speakers who shop in the same markets have no problems understanding each other -- they'd both say yeh kitne kaa hay for 'How much is it?

is urdu a good language to learn - It is also the language of a long literary tradition

' -- but the written form for Hindi will be यह कितने का है? And the Urdu one will be یہ کتنے کا ہے؟ Hindi is written from left to right in the Devanagari script, and is the official language of India, along with English. Urdu, on the other hand, is written from right to left in the Nastaliq script and is the national language of Pakistan. It's also one of the official languages of the Indian states of Bihar and Jammu & Kashmir.

is urdu a good language to learn - It is also a tremendously important language strategically in South Asia

Considered as one, these tongues constitute the second most spoken language in the world, sometimes called Hindustani. In their daily lives, Hindi and Urdu speakers communicate in their 'different' languages without major problems. Both Hindi and Urdu developed from Classical Sanskrit, which appeared in the Indus Valley at about the start of the Common Era.

is urdu a good language to learn - After one year of instruction

The first old Hindi poetry was written in the year 769 AD, and by the European Middle Ages it became known as 'Hindvi'. Muslim Turks invaded the Punjab in 1027 and took control of Delhi in 1193. They paved the way for the Islamic Mughal Empire, which ruled northern India from the 16th century until it was defeated by the British Raj in the mid-19th century. It was at this time that the language of this book began to take form, a mixture of Hindvi grammar with Arabic, Persian and Turkish vocabulary.

is urdu a good language to learn - Each lesson builds on previous lessons in a systematic way to allow the absorption of vocabulary words in an organic manner

The Muslim speakers of Hindvi began to write in the Arabic script, creating Urdu, while the Hindu population incorporated the new words but continued to write in Devanagari script. This course is designed to develop students' ability in the four skills of language learning. Students will learn to confidently navigate a range of common social and "survival" situations in Hindi-Urdu target cultures.

is urdu a good language to learn - The text is accompanied by a CD as well

Upon completing this course, students will have mastered the core constructions of Hindi-Urdu grammar and a large body of vocabulary and cultural knowledge necessary for many real-world interactions with Hindi-Urdu speakers. Urdu, which was often referred to by the British administrators in India as the Hindustani language, was promoted in colonial India by British policies to counter the previous emphasis on Persian. Urdu replaced Persian as the official language of India in 1837 and was made co-official, along with English.

is urdu a good language to learn - Films are also shown occasionally in class to reinforce the structures and idiomatic expressions that are being taught

Hindi is the official language of the Republic of India and the most widely spoken language in South Asia. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan, one of the official languages of India, and a tremendously important strategic language in South Asia. With a common vocabulary and grammar, in their basic form, Hindi and Urdu are generally considered to be the same language written in two different scripts. First and second year classes focus on language learning, while third and fourth year students apply their language skills mainly to reading various types of texts, including historical materials and various literary genres. The readings for these advanced courses are mainly determined based on the interests and proficiency levels of the students.

is urdu a good language to learn - It is also very closely related to the scripts employed to write Punjabi

Is Urdu A Good Language Prospective Urdu students other than beginners have to take a placement test before registering for second-year and above classes. Prospective first- and second-year students should contact the instructor before registering to learn how the course is organized. Traditional language lessons can be boring, dull and no fun at all. That is why we've made the learning process fun by using puzzles, games, challenges and quizzes to teach you how to read, write and speak in Urdu. Ling uses native Urdu speakers to help you perfect your pronunciation. We have also made sure to give Ling users the best value possible, offering over 50 languages from just one app.

Is Urdu A Good Language

You can even try out the Ling language learning app for free and see if it is right for you. Some who are from a non-Urdu background now can read and write only Urdu. With such a large number of people speaking Urdu, the language has acquired a peculiar Pakistani flavour further distinguishing it from the Urdu spoken by native speakers, resulting in more diversity within the language. Spoken by nearly 170 million people in South Asia and the South Asian diaspora, Urdu is written in an alphabet derived from Arabic.

is urdu a good language to learn - That means that Hindi and Urdu speakers who shop in the same markets have no problems understanding each other -- they

When Azeemi sat down to write his letter to Cook, nastaʿlīq was almost nowhere to be found online. To communicate in Urdu, you either had to type in naskh or spell words phonetically in Latin script. Urdu is the national language of Pakistan and an official language of the six states in North India with significant Muslim populations. Both Urdu and Hindi are standard registers of the Hindustani language. Before the Partition of India, the terms Hindustani, Urdu, and Hindi were synonymous.

is urdu a good language to learn -

Today, though mutually intelligible, they differ in their technical and literary vocabularies with Urdu influenced heavily by Persian and Arabic and Hindi by Sanskrit. Worldwide, there are over 65 million speakers of Urdu--mainly in India and Pakistan, but also in numerous diasporic communities. Since Urdu is written in the Perso-Arabic script, as are the other written languages of Pakistan, learning Urdu facilitates access to these other languages as well. The module covers several basic constructions of the language, enabling students to acquire basic skills in reading, writing, comprehension and speaking. Successful students will gain the ability to read and write short simple texts, and communicate on simple everyday topics.

is urdu a good language to learn - And the Urdu one will be     Hindi is written from left to right in the Devanagari script

Emphasis will be placed on good pronunciation and on the social and linguistic conventions of everyday conversation. This course prepares students to achieve intermediate low-to-high level speaking, listening comprehension, reading, and writing skills. With a strong emphasis on achieving proficiency in spoken Hindi-Urdu, students are encouraged to speak Hindi-Urdu as much as possible, both in and outside of the classroom. Enrolled students are encouraged to form study groups that meet regularly outside of class to practice conversation in Hindi-Urdu and to learn nuances of the culture.

is urdu a good language to learn - Urdu

Urdu comes from the Indo-European family of languages with very strong links to the Hindi language, to the point that they are largely mutually intelligible. In fact, Urdu and Hindi together form the 'Hindustani' language group. It is spoken by over 68 million people natively, with an additional 101 million second language speakers, with the vast majority located in Pakistan, India and the neighboring regions.

is urdu a good language to learn - It

It is written from right to left using the Urdu Alphabet. Mutual intelligibility decreases in literary and specialised contexts that rely on academic or technical vocabulary. In a longer conversation, differences in formal vocabulary and pronunciation of some Urdu phonemes are noticeable, though many native Hindi speakers also pronounce these phonemes. At a phonological level, speakers of both languages are frequently aware of the Perso-Arabic or Sanskrit origins of their word choice, which affects the pronunciation of those words. Urdu speakers will often insert vowels to break up consonant clusters found in words of Sanskritic origin, but will pronounce them correctly in Arabic and Persian loanwords. As a result of religious nationalism since the partition of British India and continued communal tensions, native speakers of both Hindi and Urdu frequently assert that they are distinct languages.

is urdu a good language to learn - Considered as one

It's easy to feel dispirited when you set out to study Urdu and discover that it's not on Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, or many of the other major language-learning platforms. Yet there's a surprisingly wide range of ways to learn this beautiful language. So, try out some of these apps and courses, start practicing your writing, and get ready to finally speak and write Urdu. The classes also teach you about the complex social and cultural worlds in which these languages are used, particularly in regard to social relations and how to address people who occupy different social positions. At higher levels, students are able to read compelling literary works in Hindi-Urdu as well as develop more sophisticated conversational skills. We read poetry and prose, watch Bollywood films and engage in a lively manner with South Asian cultural traditions through our study of Hindi-Urdu.

is urdu a good language to learn - In their daily lives

The Urdu language is one of the most beautiful sounding languages you can learn, and it is why Urdu is still a preferred medium of poetry and prose even by non-native speakers. It is enriched with history, culture, and religious influences, giving birth to some of the best literary and poetic works responsible for the socio-political, moral, and spiritual development of the South Asian region. Urdu language is an amalgamation of a number of languages including Persian, Arabic, Turkish and Hindi. Itenjoyed its development in the 14th and 15th century under the Mughal rulers. It was, however, not the official court language of the mughals. One might think why during this golden period of Urdu literature, had there been no formal documentation of the language.

is urdu a good language to learn - Both Hindi and Urdu developed from Classical Sanskrit

It is perhaps because this langugae had no history of its own. It borrowed whatever traditions, from its parent languages that are Persian, Turkish and Arabic mainly. Since there was no method of compiling a history in these parent languages, Urdu too, remained so. Voice, speech and language are tools essential for human communication. Voice is produced by the vibration of vocal cords, transformed into Speech, which is the production of recognizable sounds by the articulators. While, expressive language refers to expression of language by employing appropriate forms of the language like nouns, adjectives, verbs and prepositions.

is urdu a good language to learn - The first old Hindi poetry was written in the year 769 AD

Ling is designed to make language learning as easy, fun, and accessible as possible. Using a variety of mini games and interactive learning techniques, you'll be able to immerse yourself in the Urdu language using just your smartphone. Whether you're a complete beginner and want to learn the basics of the language, or you're already fluent and want to learn advanced vocabulary or brush up on your knowledge, our Ling Urdu app is able to help. It is no secret that we think language learning apps like Ling are a great way to bolster your learning experience. Smartphones are nearly always at hand, so when you have a few free minutes waiting at the bus stop or while laying in bed.

is urdu a good language to learn - Muslim Turks invaded the Punjab in 1027 and took control of Delhi in 1193

These are great opportunities to practice some vocabulary or try out some of the lessons. Adding to this, they are also able to test your ability to speak, write and understand text. While these apps likely should not be the only method you use, they are a great tool for improving your ability a little bit at a time. At the start of Medieval period, the Old Franconian eventually developed into Old Dutch and became the main language spoken in the southern Netherlands and northern Belgium.

is urdu a good language to learn - They paved the way for the Islamic Mughal Empire

There are not a lot of written examples of Old Dutch from this period because it used to serve as a spoken language mostly. Later Old Dutch evolved into Middle Dutch and emerged many regional dialects sustained by provincial political divides. By 14th century, the House of Burgundy gained control over the Low Countries and efforts were made to standardize the language.

is urdu a good language to learn - It was at this time that the language of this book began to take form

In the final 10 lessons, you'll be speaking and understanding at an intermediate level. In this phase, more directions are given in the Urdu language, which moves your learning to a whole new plane. Lessons include shopping, visiting friends, going to a restaurant, plans for the evening, car trips, and talking about family. You'll be able to speak comfortably about things that happened in the past and make plans for the future. Urdu is a member of the Indo-European family of languages, the official state language and lingua franca of Pakistan and one of the 22 scheduled languages of India.

is urdu a good language to learn - The Muslim speakers of Hindvi began to write in the Arabic script

According to Ethnologue, Urdu is the 11th most widely spoken language in the world with 170 million total speakers. Hence, learning Urdu with Mondly could come in extremely handy if you ever visit South Asia. No region in Pakistan uses Urdu as its mother tongue, though it is spoken as the first language of Muslim migrants in Pakistan who left India after independence in 1947. Other communities, most notably the Punjabi elite of Pakistan, have adopted Urdu as a mother tongue and identify with both an Urdu speaker as well as Punjabi identity. Urdu was chosen as a symbol of unity for the new state of Pakistan in 1947, because it had already served as a lingua franca among Muslims in north and northwest British India. It is written, spoken and used in all provinces/territories of Pakistan, and together with English as the main languages of instruction, although the people from differing provinces may have different native languages.

is urdu a good language to learn - This course is designed to develop students

In part because the Pakistani government proclaimed Urdu the national language at Partition, the Indian state and some religious nationalists began to regard Urdu as a 'foreign' language, to be viewed with suspicion. Standard text, course materials prepared by the instructor, and authentic materials available on the internet will be used with equal emphasis on spoken and written Hindi-Urdu. The structure and conversations will be prepared in a variety of authentic contexts of Hindi-Urdu.

is urdu a good language to learn - Students will learn to confidently navigate a range of common social and

Students are also offered extensive exposure to spoken language emphasizing speaking and listening at normal speed with near-native pronunciation and intonation. By the end of this course, the students will be at the intermediate-high level of the ACTFL proficiency scale. At this level student are expected to converse comfortably in colloquial Hindi-Urdu on a wide variety of familiar subjects. Have you ever thought that, by learning a language like Mandarin, you would open up the possibility to speak to over a billion people? Whether you have friends that you want to try speaking with in their native language, or you are looking to meet new people from different cultures, learning a new language is one of the best ways to go about it. Having these native speakers as friends and speaking to them frequently will also help you practice and learn even more.

is urdu a good language to learn - Upon completing this course

The UK is home to many Pakistanis, in fact the largest Pakistani community in Europe with well over a million people. It is one of the official languages of both Pakistan and India and there are around 70 million native speakers worldwide. Moreover, in the 19th century, the Hindi–Urdu controversy arose in colonial India. The debate was whether Hindi or Urdu should be chosen as a national language.

is urdu a good language to learn - Urdu

In 1900, the government issued a decree granting symbolic equal status to both Hindi and Urdu. But then, Gandhi proposed using either Devanagari or Urdu script, under the traditional generic term Hindustani. Therefore, in 1950, Hindi, in the Devanagari script, along with English, replaced Urdu as one of the official languages of India.

is urdu a good language to learn - Urdu replaced Persian as the official language of India in 1837 and was made co-official

Urdu is also an especially useful language for studying areas in the Middle East because it provides bridges to learning other languages in the region. In this way, Urdu provides a bridge between the Hindi and Arabic language classes already offered through JIMES. Urdu is the sole national, and one of the two official languages of Pakistan . It is spoken and understood throughout the country, whereas the state-by-state languages are the provincial languages, although only 7.57% of Pakistanis speak Urdu as their first language. Its official status has meant that Urdu is understood and spoken widely throughout Pakistan as a second or third language. It is used in education, literature, office and court business, although in practice, English is used instead of Urdu in the higher echelons of government.

is urdu a good language to learn - Hindi is the official language of the Republic of India and the most widely spoken language in South Asia

Article 251 of the Pakistani Constitution mandates that Urdu be implemented as the sole language of government, though English continues to be the most widely used language at the higher echelons of Pakistani government. Owing to interaction with other languages, Urdu has become localized wherever it is spoken, including in Pakistan. Similarly, the Urdu spoken in India can also be distinguished into many dialects such as the Standard Urdu of Lucknow and Delhi, as well as the Dakhni of South India. Because of Urdu's similarity to Hindi, speakers of the two languages can easily understand one another if both sides refrain from using literary vocabulary. There have been attempts to purge Urdu of native Prakrit and Sanskrit words, and Hindi of Persian loanwords – new vocabulary draws primarily from Persian and Arabic for Urdu and from Sanskrit for Hindi.

is urdu a good language to learn - Urdu is the national language of Pakistan

English has exerted a heavy influence on both as a co-official language. However, the style of Urdu spoken on a day-to-day basis in Pakistan is akin to neutral Hindustani that serves as the lingua franca of the northern Indian subcontinent. Spoken Urdu and Hindi are almost identical at the day-to-day functional level, apart from certain words.

is urdu a good language to learn - With a common vocabulary and grammar

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When returning a JSON response, ship down the attributes of the model which have been changed by the server, and must be up to date on the c...